Tuesday 3 March 2015


Now I know that most countries or religions may not have a clue what I'm talking about when I say 'Confirmation' but for those who do, can we just take a second to talk about the pressure.

People refer to this event in life as 'being a Catholic adult'. Do they not realise that most of us taking part in this are barely 12! The word 'adult' just scares me. Everyone always says and makes sure you know how responsible adults and teens are suppose to be but I really don't think they responsible at all therefore I'm confused about the meaning of 'adult' therefore how am I meant to be a so called 'adult' even if it is just in the eyes of the Catholic faith.

Now that I've mentioned the downfalls of Confirmation there are good things like clothes, actually come to think of it that's a fair amount of pressure too. who has the best dress? where are your dresses sparkle at? where's your highest heels? shortest skirt? curliest hair?

Oh the judgement.

I know I'm meant to love the church and mention this first because it's the most important part of Confirmation and it basically is Confirmation but I'm not going to be like that because I'd rather not.

I feel like Satan talking about Confirmation without explaining the true reason for this day. Sorry.