Sunday 28 June 2015

Vegetarian ♥

Recently I've changed my diet: vegetarian. It all started with my ambition to be vegan for a week. Although a week was the goal I was secretly planning this to be permanent. Foods were dearer as I soon realised after a days shopping. I didn't give up though. I realised how much dairy I do consume so it made things really hard so veganism was off the charts at least for a couple years. I am now just a vegetarian and I do try with less dairy but I need the protein in eggs.

It's not hard to not eat meat but you feel like your putting a lot of people in an awkward position. Like once I was in my friends house and they were having chicken. I was offered dinner and so I panicked and ate chicken. They still don't know I'm vegetarian but I'm a little more used to telling people I can't eat that now so there's no complications.

As for all my nutrients; there is a lot of ways to get protein I love peaut butter and just nuts in general. I'm not a big fan of beans but they are a good source of protein too. I've been eating a lot of eggs too. I'm going to get some iron tablets though just to be sure I'm still 100%.

Good Luck if you're trying this diet out ;)