Saturday 21 February 2015

Essentials for Social Embarressment

So everyone has to leave they're bed. No one actually wants to no matter how much fun that particular day is going to be.....or night depending on your sleeping needs. No one likes people or the stress society puts on you to look good for them.

So I'm going to list some things you might want to have handy when the outsiders attack!

1. BRING YOUR PHONE! I cannot stress this enough. Lets say your on a bus or any public transport for that matter. Your not ready for the day yet....your just on your way to the awkwardness. So don't let it start before it needs to and if it does like you catch someone staring at your birds nest that your ashamed to call hair and your not particularly in the mood to get a book and read so you find youself just looking around making sure you don't make eye-contact. Just whip out the phone and BAM! They immedietly think woah...she has friends. She's texting because that's all people do on phones. I should stop being a cow and mind my own buisness and let her deal with life without my stares. (or something along those lines) And if they don't stop staring well at least you'll beat your flappy bird highscore.

I know I did say this was going to be a list but I'm going to be honest and say I've been winging it the whole time. (could you tell?) Therefore I don't have any other essentials with personal tramas to report so I'll just stop here.


Sunday 8 February 2015


Wow. I've been dreaming of my blog for a while now and have spent the past like six hours trying to find the "perfect name". I can't believe I've finally settled for a name and started writing. And guys I know I'm really not the best at writing and you might get a little bored (if there ever is any of you) And I'll definitely make loads of grammatical and punctual mistakes! But I hope writing this blog regularly will help with all those above.

 I'd also like to mention that this blog will forever remain anonymous. Even my best friend is not being told a word which will be hard because as I explain below I CAN'T KEEP ANYTHING SECRET. Oh and I will probably be mentioning my best friend a lot so her code name will be "Aeh", don't ask. And later in my blog when I start secondary school perhaps and have to leave Aeh (which I am dreading) and make new friends and have to make new code names for them. And I'll probably change Aeh's name soon too.

Now why this blog was made a is a novel. I'll try keep the reasons short and sweet. 1) I like the thought of twenty years from now reading back on my twelve year old self. I've tried diaries but I keep forgetting about them and when I finally remember, there's way too much to write so it takes like five pages and then that cycle starts again. So this blog is basically my diary. 2) I share way too much about myself with real life people because I can't keep anything secret. So I thought I'd share it with what hopefully turns into at least 10 people on the internet. Which brings me to, 3) ONLINE FRIENDS!! No I don't mean "Hey guys I've started this blog so I get thousands of follows and free stuff and money so I'll be self promoting all over twitter". (you might find a little self-promo somewhere though) As in regular readers who comment and make me feel happy and proud no matter how many of you there are. People that leave comment that make me want to go hug them...wherever they are. I'd love to just wake up every morning, open my laptop and read kind comments that boost my self-esteem into space. (I'm a lil cheesy sometimes, serry) I'm getting way too excited for the future of this blog typing about this so I'll stop here.

I'm very excited for the future of this blog and if anyone is reading this please spread the name QuirkyAndWhatNot xx

So until next time stay,
 QuirkyAndWhatNot xx

P.S I'm not sure how I feel about this ending.

P.P.S Not all my posts will be this long. But I could literally type forever so they won't ever be too short.