Saturday 21 February 2015

Essentials for Social Embarressment

So everyone has to leave they're bed. No one actually wants to no matter how much fun that particular day is going to be.....or night depending on your sleeping needs. No one likes people or the stress society puts on you to look good for them.

So I'm going to list some things you might want to have handy when the outsiders attack!

1. BRING YOUR PHONE! I cannot stress this enough. Lets say your on a bus or any public transport for that matter. Your not ready for the day yet....your just on your way to the awkwardness. So don't let it start before it needs to and if it does like you catch someone staring at your birds nest that your ashamed to call hair and your not particularly in the mood to get a book and read so you find youself just looking around making sure you don't make eye-contact. Just whip out the phone and BAM! They immedietly think woah...she has friends. She's texting because that's all people do on phones. I should stop being a cow and mind my own buisness and let her deal with life without my stares. (or something along those lines) And if they don't stop staring well at least you'll beat your flappy bird highscore.

I know I did say this was going to be a list but I'm going to be honest and say I've been winging it the whole time. (could you tell?) Therefore I don't have any other essentials with personal tramas to report so I'll just stop here.


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